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Welcome to Podinate

Welcome to the Podinate documentation. Podinate is an open source CLI and package manager for Kubernetes that makes it easy to do simple tasks like spinning up a container and connecting them to the world.

Getting Started

Our getting started guides allow you to hit the ground running.

  • Quick Start: Dive right in and deploy your first app. This guide will take you through installing the CLI and a basic web application.

Key Features

  • Rapid Deployment: If you've got a Dockerfile, you're ready to Podinate.
  • Seamless Collaboration: Podinate lets you rapidly onboard your entire team and get them shipping!
  • Intuitive: If you're familiar with Docker, you can hit the ground running with Podinate.

Podinate 101

  • Concepts: Understand the core concepts behind Podinate, including Pods, deployments, scaling and more.
  • Tutorials: Follow step by step tutorials for common tasks on Podinate.
  • Security: Understand how to secure your applications, and how to use Podinate's flexible Identity and Access Management system.
