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Cloudflare Tunnel

Cloudflare Tunnels are a way to connect your Kubernetes cluster to the internet via Cloudflare. The tunnel creates a connection out from a Pod in the cluster to Cloudflare's datacenters, so there's no need to configure port forwarding or certificates.


Create a Cloudflare Tunnel by following Cloudflare's Create Tunnel Documentation.


In step 2 of the Cloudflare documentation, specify the service of the ingress controller on the cluster. To determine the value, run the following command:

kubectl get services -A
Look for the service of type "LoadBalancer". Most commonly it wil be Traefik or Nginx based.
NAMESPACE     NAME             TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
default       kubernetes       ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP                      3h11m
kube-system   kube-dns         ClusterIP      <none>        53/UDP,53/TCP,9153/TCP       3h11m
kube-system   metrics-server   ClusterIP    <none>        443/TCP                      3h11m
kube-system   traefik          LoadBalancer    80:31351/TCP,443:31569/TCP   3h10m
uptime-kuma   kuma             ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP                       113m
In this example, set the tunnel to forward all traffic to http://traefik.kube-system. Traefik will be installed by default for any Kubernetes cluster installed with k3d or k3s. For a default Nginx ingress controller setup, this should be set to http://ingress-nginx-controller.ingress-nginx.

CloudFlare Tunnel Configuration

You can use the following PodFile to install the Cloudflare Tunnel connector on the Podinate cluster:

podinate {
    package = "tunnel"
    namespace = "cloudflare-tunnel"

pod "tunnel" {
    image = "cloudflare/cloudflared"
    arguments = [

Replace with the long random string from the Cloudflare tunnel dashboard.

Send traffic to your Pod

In the Pod you want to expose through Cloudflare, add the following:

service {
    port = 80
    target_port = 8080 // Optional
    ingress {
        hostname = "
For example, the following PodFile will create a container running a clone of the 2048 game, and expose it at
podinate {
    package = "2048"
    namespace = "2048"

pod "game" {
    image = "alexwhen/docker-2048"
    service "game" {
        port = 80
        ingress {
            hostname = ""
    environment "PORT" {
        value = "80"
The service may take a minute or two to be available.


Try the following if the service you're trying to expose won't become available through CloudFlare:

  • Check the target Pod's logs.
  • Check the target Pod started correctly with kubectl -n 2048 describe pod game-0
  • Check the logs of the ingress controller Pod to see if the request is coming to the ingress controller.
  • Check the hostname is set to go through the tunnel on CloudFlare's side.
  • Check the created service works by running kubectl -n 2048 port-forward service/game 8080: and navigating to http://localhost:8080 in your browser.
  • Check you are using the IngressClass associated with the ingress service Cloudflare is pointed to. List the ingress classes with kubectl get ingressclasses. An ingressclass can be specified on the ingress block with ingress { ingress_class = "nginx" }.

See Also