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Shared Volumes

A Podinate shared volume is a shared persistent storage space that multiple pods can access at the same time.


This is a minimal demo of a shared volume in action. The writer pod will continually write to the volume, while the reader pod will read it out. To see the output, run podinate -p shared-volume logs -f reader.

project "shared-volume" {
    name = "Shared Volume"
    account_id = "default"
pod "reader" {
    name = "Shared Volume Reader"
    image = "ubuntu"
    command = [ "tail", "-f", "/data/time" ]
    project_id = "shared-volume"
    shared_volume {
        volume_id = "poddy"
        path = "/data"
pod "writer" {
    name = "Shared Volume Writer"
    image = "ubuntu"
    command = [ "/bin/bash", "-c", "--" ]
    arguments = [ "while true; do date >> /data/time; sleep 2; done;" ]
    project_id = "shared-volume"
    shared_volume {
        volume_id = "poddy"
        path = "/data"
shared_volume "poddy" {
    project_id = "shared-volume"
    size = 1