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Dropbear is a small, cross-platform SSH server and client implementation designed for embedded systems. It can do many things, but the use-case most useful to Podinate is to use it to perform remote unlocking of a root partition.

Unlocking Encrypted Disk

These instructions apply to Ubuntu, the recommended server OS for Podinate. Dropbear unlocks encrypted disks by being installed to the initramfs, which is a small system that is loaded before Linux, its job is to mount required filesystems and boot Linux.

Installing Dropbear

  1. Log in to the server
  2. Switch to root user
    sudo -i 
  3. Update the system
    apt-get update 
    apt-get upgrade
  4. Install the Dropbear package
    apt-get install dropbear-initramfs 
  5. Configure Dropbear server options:
    nano /etc/dropbear/initramfs/dropbear.conf
    Paste the following line at the end of the file:
    DROPBEAR_OPTIONS="-I 180 -j -k -p 2222 -s -c cryptroot-unlock"
    The meaning of these options is:
    • -I 180 - Set an inactivity timeout of 180 seconds.
    • -j - Disable SSH local port forwarding
    • -k - Disable remote SSH port forwarding too
    • -p 2222 - Listen on pot 2222. If the default port 22 is used, a warning will show on connection because the Dropbear and host SSH server keys are different.
    • -s - Disable password-less login
    • -c cryptroot-unlock - Dropbear will ignore any command sent by the user and run cryptroot-unlock instead. This means nothing else can be done in a Dropbear session.
  6. Configure static IP (optional)
    nano /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf
    Add the following line to the end of the file:
    The options are as follows:
    • - The static IP to set
    • - The network gateway to use
    • - The subnet mask to use
    • dropbear - The hostname to set
  7. Add your SSH public key to dropbear:
    cat /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys >> /etc/dropbear/initramfs/authorized_keys
    # OR 
    nano /etc/dropbear/initramfs/authorized_keys
    # Paste your key
  8. Update the initramfs to enable our Dropbear configuration
    update-initramfs -u

Test the Installation

  1. To test the instal, reboot the server and try to unlock it with Dropbear:
    sudo reboot
  2. On the machine you want to unlock the disk from, run:
    ssh root@<ip> -p 2222
    Accept the fingerprint shown, and you will immediately be prompted for the unlock password. The output will look like:
    Please unlock disk dm_crypt-0: 
    cryptsetup: dm_crypt-0 set up successfully
    And the session will be closed.

See Also